The emotional and mental consequences of sexual  violence are more long term.
Trust issues arise with women experiencing paranoia, depression as well as suicidal thoughts or attempts. They are also prone to post traumatic stress disorder with flashbacks, panic attacks and cases of anxiety which are very common.
Survivors need a safe friendly haven where help is available by trusted professionals. The WARIF Centre offers free medical treatment, counselling and social welfare services to all clients. Starting the journey to full recovery.
We hear you  as you take your power back. We believe you. You are not alone.
Share our stories , repost , tag someone and join us in the #orangetheworldwithWARIF campaign as we participate in the #16DaysOfActivism against Gender Based Violence.
WARIF Confidential Helpline: 08092100009
Facebook: @warifng
Twitter: @warif_ng
Instagram: @warif_ng