
WARIF Combats Sexual Violence Through The Education of Young Boys with the Boys Conversation Cafe Initiative

Lagos Nigeria, 21st January – Following the success of the first cycle of its Boys’ Conversation Café (BCC) Initiative, Women at Risk International Foundation (WARIF), has kicked off the second cycle of this project to educate a wider range of boys in Nigeria about gender based violence and its effects. This project aims to instil the role that boys have to play in the reduction and prevention of rape and sexual violence. Recording the success of the BCC which launched in...

WARIF Partners with UN Women on the Joint EU-UN Spotlight Initiative to End Gender Based Violence in Tertiary Intitutions

The Women at Risk International Foundation (WARIF) has been awarded a grant by the European Union and UN under the “Spotlight Initiative” to reduce the prevalence of gender-based violence in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. The Joint EU-UN Spotlight Initiative is a global multi-year partnership between the European Union and the United Nations to eliminate all forms of sexual and gender-based violence against women through various implementation programs and partners all over the world. The Initiative represents an unprecedented global effort to invest in gender...

WARIF on the Forbes

WARIF gender base violence activities sighted on the Forbes; In Nigeria, The Rippling Impact of One Text Message Can Save A Woman’s Life.. ...

Day 16 – #OrangeTheWorld

Today is Human Rights Day 2018 with the theme “Stand Up For Human Rights” This marks the last day of the UN 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence campaign, #HearMeToo.   Rape and sexual violence against young girls and women is a violation of their fundamental human right to life, liberty, freedom from slavery and torture and from any opinion and expression that continues to  perpetuate the wall of silence that persists. 
The WARIF women at the Women At Risk International...

DAY 15 – #OrangeTheWorld

Because we have accepted to hide the abuse we suffer, because we have decided to be silent through the hurt. Because we don’t speak loud enough or often enough. Because of the fear, the tears and the stares. But no more! It is time to HEAR ME TOO, it is our time to stand up and fight against any abuse or violation of any girl, woman or child. We will no longer sit still and be silent. We will honour ourselves by...

DAY 14 – #OrangeTheWorld

A major step in the elimination of sexual violence is prevention. Prevention efforts include changing prevailing attitudes and practices that encourage gender inequality; Education and increasing awareness to the issues that surround gender based violence and making available the necessary infrastructure and resources to promote good health care and support for all women. I’ve been suffering from insomnia for many years. It was coming and going until I learned about the drug called Ambien from This preparation...

Day 13 – #OrangeTheWorld

Feeling safe again after a sexual assault can be one of the most challenging aspects of healing, and is often a struggle for survivors. Facilities for care and support are necessary to help survivors through this time. The WARIF Centre is a safe haven where survivors are helped in a step by step approach through the initial traumatic phase of their experience and the necessary follow-up visits.  Available to all, we provide Medical Care, Psycho Social Counselling, Legal Services  and Access...

Day 12 – #OrangeTheWorld

Our society teaches women to avoid being raped when we should be teaching men not to rape. This encourages the rape culture that is seen. Existing norms and practices need to be broken down by educating our young boys on positive masculinity so they don’t grow up to be perpetrators. Respecting physical boundaries, understanding consent and accepting the rights of women should be embraced by every young boy and man. Let’s have these conversations with our boys, so they become protectors of...

Day 11 – #OrangeTheWorld

Let’s talk about VICTIM BLAMING A common response to rape and sexual assault in our society is to blame the survivor. To assume that the fault lies with her based on her choices and in some cases her lifestyle.  It is often heard that she could have prevented the assault if only: “she dressed differently” “she was in the company of others” “she stayed home after dark” “she wasn’t so friendly” This focus places the responsibility of the prevention of sexual violence and rape solely on...

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