WARIF recently received a generous donation from the Megalectrics group as one of the selected charities of the year, celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Megalectrics.

We would like to thank the staff and management for the continued support of the organization; this donation will assist tremendously with the WARIF Vision 2020 initiative of impacting 1 million lives in 2020. .

In the pictures are Mrs Amira Obi-Okoye, the Director of Sales and Marketing, Megalectrics, our Founder Dr. DaSilva and representatives from Bethesda House.

Join us this year by volunteering, donating and helping us create more awareness about sexual violence and Gender-Based Violence in Nigeria.
Thank you Megalectrics!

#warifvision2020 #donation #megalectrics #rape #GBV #sexualviolence #sexualassault #warifwomen #IWD #endrapeculture #preventsexualabuse #warifng