Today we hosted the British Deputy High Commissioner, Ms. Harriet Thompson at the WARIF Centre. We were glad to take the new Deputy High Commissioner on a tour of the centre while highlighting our unique “WARIF Approach” and the impactful initiatives implemented to tackle the issues of Gender Based Violence in Nigeria. . Collaborations are key to changing the narrative and ending the violence in our communities. ...
Today we hosted representatives of the US Consulate Lagos at the WARIF Centre. Featured with our founder Dr Kemi DaSilva Ibru is the Deputy Public Affairs Secretary, Ms. Jennifer Foltz and the Programs Officer, Mr Ibrahim Aliyu. We were glad to be able to highlight our unique “WARIF Approach” and the impactful initiatives implemented to tackle the issues of Gender Based Violence in Nigeria. Collaborations are key to changing the narrative and ending the violence in our communities. ...
The US Consulate Lagos held its annual documentary film festival between the 19th and 22nd of August this year. The event brought together different films touching on important topics relevant to both the US and our home country Nigeria. The Women at Risk International Foundation partnered with the US Consulate at this year’s event and led an engaging panel after the movie “I am Jane Doe”. Directed by Mary Mazzio, the film explores the lengths that mothers took to wage a war on a...
The American Film Festival hosted by the US Consulate Lagos in partnership with WARIF held a private screening of the documentary “I am Jane Doe” directed by Mary Mazzio. The film highlights the war on sex trafficking in the US by mothers of teenaged daughters sold on the internet website and the legal battle that ensued to change existing internet laws that protect third parties like such websites from prosecution. Convening an amazing panel of women which included Ms. Mazzio via...
This is Nkem’s story: “My father was a very violent man, from as far as I can remember he used to hit my mother. Sometimes for no reason at all, he would just come home screaming and we would run into our rooms. He would always get drunk, whenever he lost a bet, whenever his favorite club Arsenal lost a match and even when it was just a bad day at work. So you can imagine that he came home screaming...
Rape can be described as forced sexual intercourse without Consent. It involves penetration which could be vaginal, anal or oral. This penetration may be with a body part or an object. It is an act of physical, ...
WARIF paid a courtesy visit to the office of the Lagos State Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), Mrs T.K Shitta-Bey at the Ministry of Justice today. This department plays a vital role in the prosecution of alleged sex offenders and ensuring that survivors of rape and sexual violence get justice. WARIF is committed though it’s partnerships and collaborations in providing an environment that is free from rape and sexual violence. ...
WARIF held its first inter-agency meeting recently with stakeholders in the Health, Law Enforcement, Legal and the Public Sector. The meeting was set up to discuss consolidating a seamless relationship between all stakeholders working to address the many issues concerning the prevalence of rape and sexual violence in Nigeria today. Collaborations between all vested stake holders is critical if we are to bring an end to Sexual and Gender based Violence in our society. This meeting was sponsored by @usaid through...
Dear Reader, Welcome to the WARIF Survivor Stories Series, a monthly feature, where stories of survivors of rape and sexual violence will be shared to motivate and encourage survivors to speak their truth without the fear of judgement or stigmatization and to educate the public on the sheer magnitude of this problem in our society. This series was launched in response to the positive feedback received by me from survivors following my cover interview in This Day Style Magazine on the...
The WARIF Law Enforcement Sensitisation Programme on Gender Based Violence Case Management is an ongoing initiative targeted towards educating police officers on the proper protocol in attending to survivors of rape and sexual violence as well as gender sensitivity in addressing survivors. These officers are also educated on the services that WARIF provides and how to refer survivors for immediate care. So far we have organised two sensitisation programmes where over 160 police officers from various divisions in Lagos State have...