Feeling safe again after a sexual assault can be one of the most challenging aspects of healing, and is often a struggle for survivors. Facilities for care and support are necessary to help survivors through this time. The WARIF Centre is a safe haven where survivors are helped in a step by step approach through the initial traumatic phase of their experience and the necessary follow-up visits. Available to all, we provide Medical Care, Psycho Social Counselling, Legal Services and Access...
Our society teaches women to avoid being raped when we should be teaching men not to rape. This encourages the rape culture that is seen. Existing norms and practices need to be broken down by educating our young boys on positive masculinity so they don’t grow up to be perpetrators. Respecting physical boundaries, understanding consent and accepting the rights of women should be embraced by every young boy and man. Let’s have these conversations with our boys, so they become protectors of...
Let’s talk about VICTIM BLAMING A common response to rape and sexual assault in our society is to blame the survivor. To assume that the fault lies with her based on her choices and in some cases her lifestyle. It is often heard that she could have prevented the assault if only: “she dressed differently” “she was in the company of others” “she stayed home after dark” “she wasn’t so friendly” This focus places the responsibility of the prevention of sexual violence and rape solely on...
For every survivor story that has been shared, there are countless survivors that are living in fear and silence. Abused daily and too afraid to speak up . They are threatened with even more violence, convinced they would be blamed, ashamed they would be judged with no one to believe them. There is a wall of silence around discussions of sexual violence and every time a survivor speaks out, it creates a crack in that wall. Every time she shares her...
Rapists rape. The accountability and the shame lies with them and them alone and not with the survivor. And the rest of us? We have a role to play too. We can no longer be bystanders watching as these acts occur in our homes, schools, offices and neighbourhoods. We need to intervene and be our brother and sisters keepers. Stand up and defend the more vulnerable and oppressed in our society. It is our collective responsibility to do so. See something? Say something! Save...
Sexual Consent is an agreement to participate in sexual activity between two adults (over the legal age of 18). It is a vital concept that needs to be understood when it comes to intimate relations between men and women as it must be freely given, reversible, informed, enthusiastic and specific. When there is no consent, it is sexual violation or rape. If you are forced to have sex against your will, if you say no, asleep, unconscious, under the influence of...
During sexual assaults that involve penetrative sex, women are exposed to infections as perpetrators do not typically use any forms of contraception such as condoms. This leads to a higher incidence of HIV/AIDS cases. If untested, women run the risk of spreading this infection to others and if untreated, can lead to death. The use of Post- Exposure Prophylaxis (P.E.P) treatment of HIV with the appropriate drugs within 72 hours of the assault reduces the risk of infection. This treatment is available...
The term “Perpetrator” refers to an individual who carries out any violent, harmful or illegal sexual act. These acts include rape and various forms of sexual assault Perpetrators live among us in plain sight; they are everyday “normal” looking individuals who are fathers , uncles , work companions and friends. There is no age , race , social , educational or ethnic criteria for a perpetrator. Like his ‘survivor’ this individual cuts across all demographics. The time is now. The world is...
The emotional and mental consequences of sexual violence are more long term. Trust issues arise with women experiencing paranoia, depression as well as suicidal thoughts or attempts. They are also prone to post traumatic stress disorder with flashbacks, panic attacks and cases of anxiety which are very common. Survivors need a safe friendly haven where help is available by trusted professionals. The WARIF Centre offers free medical treatment, counselling and social welfare services to all clients. Starting the journey to full recovery. We...
The sexual assault of a child, the rape of a young girl or woman results in traumatic consequences. The immediate impact is the physical trauma sustained -the broken bones and injuries sometimes resulting in death; the increased risk of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections like HIV that can result is also a grave concern. You have shown strength and you are courageous! What happened to you does not define you . You are not alone. Share our stories , repost , tag someone...