Sexual Violence Prevention

Who We Are

Women at Risk International Foundation,  (WARIF) is a non-profit organization founded in 2016 by Dr. Kemi DaSilva-Ibru MD; MPH in response to the high incidence of sexual assault, rape and human trafficking occurring amongst young girls and women across Nigeria and Africa.

The Foundation was established to raise awareness and address the prevalence of this problem through the “WARIF Approach”- a unique holistic method of tackling Gender Based Violence through the development and implementation of a series of initiatives, targeting both the intervention/treatment of these affected women, as well as providing preventive measures in education and community service to reduce the high incidence.

The foundation seeks to re-dress the adverse effects seen as a result of Gender Based Violence both immediate with health and psycho-social risks to survivors such as new cases of HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregnancies, as well as in the long-term societal problems that subsequently occur such as higher incidence of illiteracy and the adverse impact on girl learning and the social development of a nation.


About Dr. Kemi DaSilva-Ibru

Visionary / Founder

Anita Kemi DaSilva is a specialist Obstetrician and Gynecologist with a medical background that extends to Public Health. She is also Public Health physician and an academician who is currently undergoing a PhD in Gender based Violence. As a qualified physician with over 15 years’ experience in private practice, she dedicates her time addressing the needs of girls and women.
Dr. DaSilva is also the founder of the Women at Risk International Foundation (WARIF), a non-profit organization that successfully tackles the issues of gender based violence, rape and trafficking of young girls and women in communities across Nigeria and Africa.

Our Vision

To build a society free of rape and sexual violence.

Our Mission

To raise global awareness and advocate against gender-based violence in Nigeria and Africa.

Our Intervention Logic

Our overarching objective will be achieved through the implementation of a series of effective, target-oriented interventions, preventive initiatives, and advocacy campaigns, designed and carried out by the foundation.

Intervention with care and treatment is offered at WARIF Rape Crisis Centre and Satellite Clinic. These are Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs) established in key locations across the county. Preventive initiatives are through the development and facilitation of training and school educational programs and advocacy campaigns.

Our Core Values

Diversity | Integrity | Accountability | Advocacy

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